June is National Cataract Awareness Month. As the purpose of About-Eyes.com is to increase the awareness of newer cataract surgery techniques and intraocular lenses (IOLs), I thought it would be most appropriate to launch a few projects this month:

1) As you can see, the look and feel of the blog has changed. It is my hope that you will find this new look both more appealing and functional. Specifically, we have added the following benefits:

    • Improved contrast
    • Bigger fonts  for added readability
    • Cleaner  unobtrusive interfaces
    • Better compatibility with the most popular internet browsers
    • Responsive Design – mobile and tablet friendly
    • Search within post functionality
    • Archived Posts Section
    • Sharing function (share on your social networks)

Cataracy Surgery Book Large Print2) I’ve been busy working on a project that is finally ready to go live: the publication of a patient-centered book about cataract surgery. This book has been written using terminology that is both friendly (not too clinical) and informative. It will be available through Amazon.com later this year in both a Kindle format as well as paperback. It will also be priced well below the other available cataract surgery books as my goal is to get this information out there, not to make $$ selling books. As a member of this blog, you will have the opportunity to read the book before it is available on Amazon.com – I will be rolling out the book content as posts over the next few months.

I hope you will enjoy the new site appearance as well as find the content of my book about cataract surgery informative.

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